Quick Start

Creating Your First Notification

Getting up and running with Push is extremely easy. Just how easy? We can create a new notification in just one line, believe it or not:

Push.create('Hello World!')

And that’s it! If the browser does not currently have user permission to show desktop notifications, it will automatically ask before proceding. Want more options? Just pass in a options object as the second parameter:

Push.create("Hello world!", {
    body: "How's it hangin'?",
    icon: '/icon.png',
    timeout: 4000,
    onClick: function () {

For a full list of options, see Options & Configuration.

Closing Notifications

If you wish to close a notification before it automatically closes, you have a few options. You can either set a timeout, call Push’s close() method, or pass around the notification’s promise object and then call close() directly. Push’s close() method will only work with newer browsers, taking in a notification’s unique tag name and closing the first notification it finds with that tag:

Push.create('Hello World!', {
    tag: 'foo'

// Somewhere later in your code...


Alternatively, you can assign the notification promise returned by Push to a variable and close it directly using the promise’s then() method:

var promise = Push.create('Hello World!');

// Somewhere later in your code...

promise.then(function(notification) {

Please note that the functions found in the notification wrapper will not run if the notification was generated by a service worker. In terms of clearing all open notifications, that’s just as easy as well:
